Friday, November 03, 2006

Candle in a poem in English (#245, Topic L)

A couple of days ago, I wrote about a couplet in Chinese that uses candle as a metaphor for tears shed in a farewell among friends (#238). A reader in Toronto, who has bought several copies of my books as well as signing onto the internet to read my blogs, sent me the following. It is beautifully done, with deep feelings expressed not in two lines (as in the original in Chinese 蠟燭有心還惜別,替人垂淚到天明), but in four lines, rhymed -- and many times better than my rendition:
A simple wax candle has a sympathetic heart,
That saddens and cries when friends depart.
It covers gloomy darkness gently with light,
and sheds quiet tear-drops through the night.
With this publication, I wish to thank my Toronto friend, who is a fellow septagearian and only five years my junior. I also wish to take this opportunity to request others readers interested in contributing to my blog to send in their work using the space labeled comments (this is the space at the end of each entry). These comments may be either signed or unsigned (anonymous). Though the blog's software allows me to review comments before publication, all comments I have received so far are so well written that they are published without the slightest hesitation on my part.


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