Tuesday, March 21, 2006

History 100+ years from now (#110; Topic H)

Taking my daily walk this morning, a thought relating to an entry I did last night (#109) suddenly occurred to me. Is it conceivable that, 100+ years from now, a person of Iraqi ancestry, residing in China and writing in Chinese, would be doing a blog on an event that took place a century earlier? When so, the imperial power of the 19th century would, of course, be updated to and replaced by that of the 20th century; the Opium War that ended in 1842, by one of comparable import that took place in the interim 100 years. By then, the current war against terrorism would have long ended, with historians giving it, perhaps, a more specific name, say, the WMD War. Would its resolution take a similar 156 years? Perish the thought. How long, then? In today's press conference, President Bush provided a clue. While refusing to provide a "time table" of troop withdrawal (in answering a question posed by a reporter from Cox newspapers), he nevertheless stated that it would take place in an administration beyond his. So, it would be longer than three years. How far beyond that? A good question that has no answer at the moment; let's wait and read from a future historian a century hence.
Posted at 11:52 pm, Tuesday, March 21, 2006


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